Monday 12 December 2011

People On The Move Film!

Check out my People On The Move film!

And subscribe to my YouTube channel - Lennon Media Productions!

Speak soon!

People on the Move - Deadline day!

Our People On The Move project deadline finally arrived on Monday. We all managed to get our films in and to celebrate we got to watch everyone's films in the afternoon. I found watching all of the different films really interesting and it allowed me to see how other people make films. I liked the fact that we were able to give all of the groups feedback from their films; for example we spoke about favourite shots and also special effects that some people used. I was able to learn more about editing through watching all of this films because I saw things that I didn't know were possible or didn't know how to do.
This day made the whole experience of our first filming assignment complete. I liked being able to sit at the front of the group and talk about our film because some people may not have understood what was going on. We seemed to get a very good response, not only from our lecturers but also our peers. I appreciated the applause at the end and it was like a weight was lifted because we had finally completed something.
I felt a sense of relief but I was also sad that the process was over because I have enjoyed working with new people and learning new skills. I know that after Christmas our next assignment will be just as fun and will probably turn out better because we have now had practice!
I enjoyed the camera workshop and the editing workshop because I feel that I learned a lot from these. I have never used the Sony Z1 cameras before or the Avid Editing software - so I tried to absorb everything I could. Learing to use editing software was my big worry; but after the workshop and some practice I found that it wasn't too hard to get the hang of.
Editing was a lengthy process because we had to digitise the tapes, but once we got in to a rhythm as a group (well the ones that turned up!) we found it very enjoyable!
Choosing a song was the last thing that we had to do for People On The Move. This was tricky because we had to find something that matched the pace of the walking in the film and also the editing. We eventually found something that really complimented the piece. You will find out soon enough what the song was and what our film is like. I will try and upload the film on to my blog, if not I will link to it on Youtube. Coming soon anyway, keep a look out!

Speak soon!

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Making a game!

Carrying on with the work that we were set in Contemporary Media Issues; we were asked to create a Prezi that explains our game so we could present it to the class. I decided to create one that was only text based so that we could just explain everything properly to the class. The strange thing about our game is that we do not really have any visual representations that we could show except internet sourced imaged of what it may look like. The Prezi has details of everything you need to know to play our game - Chutes and Catapults. Here is the link:

Speak soon!