Tuesday 27 September 2011

My first post...

Okay so this is my first official blogger post! Starting this blog means that I have embarked on my JMU adventure with Media Professional Studies.

The reason that I chose this course was because over the past couple of years, through 6th form and the social aspect, I have become more and more enthralled with the media each day.

My main interest is film because I have always loved going to the cinema and seeing the latest releases. I like to vary the types and styles of films that I watch because I believe that this will help me absorb more from this particular environment.

From this course I hope to develop my skills and learn more about the industry that I will be heading into (hopefully!). From what I have seen, heard and read about; Media Professional Studies seems to be the perfect choice for me.

Before I came to John Moores, I went to 6th form and studies Media Studies, Dance and Graphics. A variation in subjects because I have a wide variety of interests. I have always however, known that I wanted to pursue my Media interest.

Of course I am in a new and strange environment which I have never encountered before, and I miss the easy living of 6th form life and the comfort of those who I have known for nearly a decade. But it is now time for me to step out of the bubble and into the new world of Media forms, products and technology!

For the future I have many hopes and aspirations, and this drive that I have to achieve them will hopefully aid me. I am looking at moving to California after my 3 years at JMU, this is so that I can go to CalArts, which is an institute specialising in Film, Drama, Dance, etc. I think that this would be the best move for me personally because my interests are strongly linked with one particular course. I have a possibly ridiculous fascination with animation and the worlds of Pixar and Disney. The reason for this I am unsure, maybe from watching all of the films over and over throughout my lifetime so far I have seen that the making of such films is wonderful.

I am enthralled with animation and specifically stop motion, however although I favour this style of film making, I do not yet have all the skills to create a clean stop motion film. Hopefully through this JMU course I will be able to develop in this area personally.

Other media forms that I like, well I would have to say print. In my 6th from final assessment I created a small magazine which was front to back about Tim Burton (another obsession of mine!).
I thought that I should create something that I know about along with something that I don't. I do not have experience with print other that the research and studying I have done about it. Therefore creating the magazine was a step away from what I am used to. Choosing Tim Burton as my subject made the project feel like home!

Well that is if for my first post, I hope to endear you for the next 3 years and hopefully I will receive  some useful feedback!

Speak soon!

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