Wednesday 28 September 2011

Today being a Wednesday...

...I have the day off! So I think it will be a good idea to make use of this beautiful day! Heading into town, equipped with my camera; I am going to mooch around the Freshers stalls but also have a look and see if there are any interesting photographs work taking. The lighting conditions will be fantastic so I think it is a good opportunity! 

I might visit either the Odeon Cinema or the FACT to see a film later on today. I go the cinema religiously every Wednesday due to the cheap promotional offers, (student life ey!) but it is my favourite pass time. I try to see films that vary in style, genre, director, etc because I want to learn about all of them for my future in the industry!

I will report back later on with any photographs or other tid bits that I uncover in Liverpool city centre! Also, from now I think that it would be interesting for me to review any films that I see. Giving me the chance to obviously show you what I am interested in and also to let you read about films that may be worth watching in the near future!

(I apologise now for any poor quality photographs, due to the fact that I am currently searching for a new camera to replace my typica digital!)

Speak soon!

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