Friday 8 March 2013

Malta - The Best Meeting Ever!

Today we had a meeting with the Erasmus coordinator of the Malta trip, Michael Harley. This meeting was needed because we all felt that we weren't sure what exactly was happening with this opportunity.
Michael filled us in with every detail possible of the trip even down to what we are looking at spending each month on the island. LJMU work with a company called Paragon and they will be the hosts for the trip when we are over there. They find our work placements and also provide the accomodation. Michael said that the applications are straight forward and easy so I am going to start mine next week after the work deadlines I have on Friday. We have to write a personal statement to go along with our CV to send to Paragon. In this statement we must specify what we would like to do in terms of work. Michael also said that Paragon are very happy to find work placements for any subject you would like to do. This aspect really excited me because I might now have the choice to do a placement with an animation company over there but we will have to see how the application goes.
This meeting cleared up a lot of questions that we all had and I feel a lot more confident and am very excited to start my application process! The information has also reassured my parents about the placement because they wanted to know more as well.

I cant explain how excited I am to work abroad doing media, its really a dream come true! I will keep you updated on this when I know more :)

Speak Soon!

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