Thursday 1 November 2012

Applied Media Research - Choosing The Question

Today we were given the choice of what question we would like to do. We had to personally rate all of the questions 1,2 or 3. 3 being our least favourite, 2 being the middle favourite and 1 being our most favourite question.
Here is a recap of the questions with the ratings I gave them in order of my personal preference:

 1. Digital Fiction Factory (2)
The Internet, social media and other open systems have allowed for user generated content (UGC), crowd-sourcing and other forms of audience participation to prevail in digital media. But how do we translate these features into storytelling experiences, without treading on the toes of the author?

2. ONTECA (3)
What new models are there for selling media? When people download so much media freely, what are people willing to pay for and how? What are and what can we learn from the best monetisation mechanics for Freemium games on mobile?

3. Nine Lives Media (1)
Which are the three most successful ever examples of cross platform television programming, how did viewers participate and most importantly, what did they gain from the experience? (I would anticipate answers such as the London Olympics/Paralympics & Embarrassing Bodies) 

The reason that I chose the Nine Lives Media question is because I found it to be based around an interesting subject that I can relate to through my own personal use of the media. I also enjoy a lot of the work that Nine Lives Media have done in the industry such as their TV documentaries, e.g. The Human Mannequin that just aired recently on Channel 4.

After we all made our decisions, the papers were collected in and the lecturer tallied up the results. We were then put in to groups according to the choices we made. Not everyone will have got the question that they wanted to do, but fortunately I did!
I ended up in a group with two people that I am happy to work with as well so it has been an all round good day for this module!
We started work on the question by researching in to all different multi-platform shows. We can up with a list:
  • Hollyoaks
  • Big Brother
  • Doctor Who
  • Million Pound Drop
  • Becoming Human
  • The Walking Dead
  • Valemont
  • X Factor
  • Britain's Got Talent
We then decided to devise a questionnaire to give out to people so that we can start collecting data. Here is what the questionnaire looks like:
With this questionnaire we just wanted to find out some basic information about what people think of multi-platform media. After we do this questionnaire we can do a more detailed survey.

My Reflection
I think that filling in the sheet where we chose our questions could have been done online prior to the lecture; therefore we would have know what question we were having earlier instead of waiting around for the results. We then would have had longer to work in our groups to start our projects. Otherwise, this project will be fairly straight forward with the research methods being something I learned in secondary school so I am quite familiar with the techniques. I am happy with my group because we will work well together with no issues.

You Learn Something New Everyday
Sometimes you strike lucky!

Speak Soon!

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