Friday 2 November 2012

TV Studio Production - Meeting 2

Today we had our second meeting about our TV pilot for Channel 4.  We had a fair few items to discuss and so we went right ahead because we only had 40 minutes.
Firstly we discussed the name for the show. I cam up with a few ideas so here they are:
  • Inspiring Liverpool
  • Being Liverpool
  • Local Liverpool Life (LLL)
  • Life in Liverpool
  • Life of a Scouser
  • Scouse Life
  • Scouse in the City
After telling our lecturer these ideas, she said that we shouldn't just focus on Liverpool because we need to be able to broadcast this show nationwide so that the whole country will want to tune in. So the new idea is to focus on something from a different city each show. This means that the show would either travel around each city, or have different people from all over the nation come to the set. Therefore, we need a title that will just round up what the show is about, in a short and snappy phrase. This is the next task we need to work on and so we will have this worked out for next week.

We next spoke about the fact that we were supposed to have a meeting last night with our guest 'House of Scouse'. Unfortunately, I got a text last week saying that they would have to rearrange the meeting because they had something on already and had forgotten. I didn't see this as something to worry about however because they seem like lovely people and so they rearranged the meeting for the 5th of November.

We then discussed what we might do for the title sequence. Prior to the conversation about the title, I was thinking about using the Liverpool skyline in some way as to establish where the show is set. However, because we need to make the show more national, this is what we need to rethink. We know that the titles need to be no longer than 20-30 seconds, this is usually what a title sequence length is. I am going to research Channel 4 title sequences to see what they like to use; this may aid us in impressing Ed Pugh from Channel 4 itself.

We then discussed the interview that we are going to do with our guest. We need to collect more information about them when we meet up so that we can think of some interesting questions to ask. The interview will be about 4 minutes long and so we need to take this in to consideration. I am going to email the questions that we come up with through to the guest before they come in so that they can have a gist of what they will be asked. I am hoping they can send responses that they would have for these questions so we can see where to go with the conversations.

We finally discussed what we are going to be doing with the demonstration. We are having a runway so that 3 models can come down and the boys can talk about their clothing range. We needed to discuss what we are going to do with the actual runway - we were asking if we could have it raised and this question still needs to be answered. Apparently there was a raised walk way used in the old TV studio, so the technicians are going to find out more for us for next week.

Today was very productive and I feel that we are finally on our way to having a great TV show at the end of the month! I can't wait to film the show and music item; this really is my favourite module on the course because I love both the practical and research side of television.

Speak Soon!

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