Friday 2 November 2012

Flat or Home?

So I have had a bit of a crisis this week. I needed to decide what I was doing with my living situation next year. Its crazy how early you have to do these things considering I wouldn't be moving anywhere until next July at the earliest!
So I am currently living in the flat in town which I love a lot, I am with 3 of my friends from university and they are great. But there are so many pro's and con's issues that I have came across and I am thinking about them a lot. SO. I decided to make a list of reasons who to live at home and why to live at the flat; this is the only way I could think to make the decision because it was just too hard!


  1. Would have less distractions
  2. More Money
  3. Albus (My dog!)
  4. Closer to work
  5. Only in university 2 days next year
  6. Don't have to clean as much
  7. Family
  8. Would get more work done
  9. 3rd year is more important that leisure
  10. Closer to Tom (My boyfriend!)
  11. Cleaner

  1. Friends
  2. Don't have to pay for taxi's home
  3. Closer to university
  4. In the city center
  5. More socialising
  6. No parents
  7. Independence
  8. Closer for Student Union Work
As you can see, the home list was longer, so next year I have decided to live back at home with my parents. I just feel that this decision is the best; mainly because we will be in 3rd year and I will need to work very hard and I can't see myself doing so with all of these distractions I find myself with this year. I love living with my friends and it has been/will be an amazing experience for the rest of the year.

Speak Soon!

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