Tuesday 24 September 2013

Dissertation Meeting

Today I had a meeting with the head of department Sarah to discuss my dissertation idea and research so far. I like these one to one sessions because it allows me to speak freely without thinking about what other people are doing or thinking. I gladly presented Sarah with my ideas and initial research about this huge part of final year.

I have decided to write my dissertation about the animation industry. I haven't at this point realised exactly what it is that I wish to prove in my hypothesis for my dissertation but I am already deep in research. Sarah gave me a lot of tips for books to look for and also animators who's work can be found on YouTube.

Straight after this session I went straight to the library and got out all the books that we discussed and some more! My back was broken by the time I got home but it was totally work it because some of these books are so interesting and will really help me to find an angle for my dissertation work.

I wanted to focus on a subject that I am truly interested in and not just something that we have learned or explored on the course. I love animation; its as simple as that. And so my dissertation will hopefully reflect my passion for this area of research.

Speak Soon!

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