Wednesday 18 September 2013

Work Based Learning Module

Today was the first proper session back in to our normal routine of university. We started with this session on the Work Based Learning module and our work experience. We mainly talked about the actual assessments themselves and what they entail.

The actual work placement report that I have to write about my work experience in Malta is 90% of the whole mark in this module so of course this requires the most detail and effort. The other 10% is credited to the World of Work awards which runs alongside our course.

The report has sections that we should generally stick to so that it has a structure and layout that is easy to follow. Here are my notes from the session:

The organisation (intro) - 

  • Context and background
  • Make clear what the company does
  • How many people are employed there
  • Diagrams of the structure of work
  • Use the website that the company has
  • The difference in Malta
  • Working practices and output
  • Funding
  • Language barrier
My role (biggest section) - 
  • What I did
  • Dates and times
  • Not chronological
  • Go through areas
  • Social media, editing, camera work, website, responsibilities, photography
  • Theme things to talk about
  • Equipment processes
  • Communication (English work)
  • Personal responsibilities
  • Relationships and developments
  • Important procedures
  • Specific examples
  • Diagrams
  • Researching
My personal performance - 
  • Assessing myself
  • What did I learn about myself
  • Evidence of evaluation
  • Challenges and overcoming them
  • What did I find difficult
  • Impressions from others
  • Feedback (reference letter from Manager)
  • Areas for improvement
  • Dress code
  • Punctuality
  • Mistakes
  • Likes and dislikes
Relationship to MPS - 
  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Practical work
  • Editing
Career plans -
  • Progression through a company
  • Understanding
  • Found out what I wanted/didn't want to do
  • Evaluating if its the right path for me
  • Researching other jobs
  • Multitude of roles
Appendix - 
  • Diary and notes
  • Print off pages of website
  • Blog and events
  • Photography
  • Social media
  • Event docs
  • Photos at events
This session really opened my eyes to what this module really entails because I didn't realise the different sections that we must talk about until today. I really appreciate this session because it definitely expands on the handbook we have been given. In the handbook all of this is very simplified but today we got to discuss as a class what we would put in the different sections and also ask questions.

After the report discussion we talked about the World of Work scheme and that we will be looking in to this in detail when Liz Harrison comes in for a session to talk to everyone in detail about what we need to do for this next week.

I am glad that I have a strong connection with Media Coop Ltd (the company I worked for in Valletta, Malta) because I can now ask them questions and they said that they would always be happy to help me out. So I think I am confident in this module but I don't want to speak to soon because it is a lot of work! I'm just glad we have a long to time complete this so I can come back to it throughout the first semester.

Speak Soon!

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