Friday 13 September 2013

Induction - Back to reality

Today was the first day back at university after the most eventful summer ever. It feels crazy to be back here but its back to the grind with the hardest year of the course ahead.

In the induction we went through the general basics of the course and the timetable. Its a lot different to last year because this year we will be taught in blocks so that we focus on one specific piece of work at a time. I prefer this teaching style because at times last year the work load seemed too much to handle. Here are the timetables for this year:

It feels like we have a lot more time to do the projects individually now but I know at some points it will become overwhelming. But I know how to deal with these situations now from experience of last year - Make lists and stick to them!!

I was also asked in this session to talk to people about my work experience in Malta. I just told everyone the general work that I did and myself and Josh also spoke about some of the amazing times that we had over there. We also listened to other people talk about their work experience in the North West which was nice to hear an insight in to what other people did.

Well its scary to be back because I know this year in going to be challenging but I am ready to get stuck in and work harder than ever!

Speak Soon!

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