Tuesday 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas Everyone! :)

Thought I would just send you all some seasons greetings :)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!

Thursday 20 December 2012

Applied Media Research - The Walking Dead!

I am really glad we decided to choose some obscure shows to use in our research for the presentation. The Walking Dead is a show that I really enjoy and so doing the work for it had been interesting and fun!
Here is the main bulk of the research for the presentation on The Walking Dead:

Comic Book
The Walking Dead comic book is an American black and white comic series by Robert Kirkman that follows the travels of Rick Grimes during a zombie apocalypse. It first issued in 2003 and is a monthly comic that is eventually transferred in to hard covers and compendiums; basically turning the comics into full story books.
The art in these comics has been created by Tony Moore, Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn. They take turns in doing the cover art and Cliff Rathburn is in charge of the overall shading.
The series won critical acclaim and has been called 'one of the best monthly comics available'.
IGN ranked the main protangonist Rick Grimes as the 26th Greatest Comic Book Hero of All Time in 2011. Many other awards have been given for the comic book series that still continues today.

IGN individually rates each comic book monthly. Looking through the ratings its clear that every rating is at least about 7.0 out of 10.
TV Show
The Walking Dead TV show is based fully on the comic book by Kirkman but is developed by Frank Darabont. It premiered in 2010 and is still aired today continuing to use the comic book series. As the comic book is not looking like ending anytime soon, the show will have extreme longevity as well. The Walking Dead debuted in 120 different countries in the same week. Large publicity stunts such as world wide zombie invasions occured around the time of the pilot airing; organised by the TV companies themselves.
The companies cleverly used various outlets to engage audiences that were familiar with the comic, or not. The aired clips from the pilot at Comic Con 2010 San Diego, AMC is one of the main channels in America and so everyone with a TV will have at least heard about the show.
All 3 series that have aired so far, have been given critial acclaim much like the comic series. The positivity surrounding the show is amazing, but also bizarre considering the subject.
The producers are also releasing the first series of the show in black and white in 2013, this will again attract new viewers but also give the chance for fans to watch more of the show they love.

Season 1 - Timeslot 10pm Sunday - 6 episodes - 5.24 million vewiers on average
Season 2 - Timeslot 9pm Sunday - 13 episodes - 6.90 million veiwers on average
Season 3 - Timeslot 9pm Sunday - 16 episodes - 10.87 million veiwers (of premiere)
There are various games that have came from the origins of The Walking Dead. The first official game is The Walking Dead: The Game; it is an episodic point and click adventure game. This game is available on iPhone, Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. This game is styled very much like a comic book, very similar to the original comics but with more colour.
The difference with this game is that most of the characters are original to the game itself and not related to the comic books. It is set just after the apocalypse began, and aims to develop the characters. This form of gaming allows players to become attached to the characters and want more from the story. So Telltale game have released the game in episodes so you are waiting for the content to come out.

The next game, to be released in 2013 is The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct. This game will be totatally different to the latter as it is a first person shooter and encourages a very active gamer to take part in the action. The game will be available on Windows, XBox 360, PlayStation 3 and of course as many new games are - Wii U. The game is a prequel to the TV series and is set in the countryside of Georgia focusing on Daryl and Merle as they fight their way through walkers and make their way to Atlanta.
Using this none linear idea of what came before the story of Rick Grimes waking up from his coma, allows the fans to delve a little deeper in to the lives of the character they know and love.
The way in which the focus has shifted from a certain main character throughout the comic and the TV shows, to different characters all together; makes the games delicious extra content for fans and also those who are just interested in gaming. Gamers might buy the game and then eventually look in to the comics and the TV show; this cycle will occur on all levels and to an extent help boost ratings of each platform.

IGN rated The Walking Dead: The Game at 9.3 'Amazing - The game demands to be experienced'.
IGN community have given The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct an 8.4 as a pre-release rating.
Spin Off Shows
Robert Kirkman, creator of the TV series has been quoted in saying that there will be no spin offs. However there is a chat show called The Talking Dead on AMC, which has guests each week from celebrity fans, to cast members and even the crew involved in the show.
The show started when season two's pemiere of The Walking Dead aired, and had an immediate fanbase. Clearly any extra content is benfitial and exciting to the viewers.
The show will be bunked up to right after The Walking Dead, at 10pm and will be increased to a one hour show (rather than its usual 30 mins).
The series features host Chris Hardwick discussing the latest episode with guests who are fans of the series. Segments on Talking Dead include an "In Memoriam" highlighting the deaths from the episode, an online poll, episode trivia, behind-the-scenes footage, and questions from fans via phone, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or from the official Talking Dead website. After the on-air episode ends, a bonus 15–20 minute segment continues online.
The Walking Dead like to use online sources for extra content especially on their website.
The website for The Walking Dead TV Show is under the heading of AMCTV.com. The website in itself is jam packed full of extra content, games videos, webisodes and even access to a new story sync app that allows you to watch the show and take part in polls and trivia about the show that is airing.
Anything you could possibly want is on the site, they really haven't scrimped on the extra content; they even have Facebook and Twitter links so you can follow their news and updates daily.
The series has gone that big world wide that the site now has a shop online section where you can buy the latest collectables, clothes, games, DVDs and Blu-Rays. This just shows how much The Walking Dead has expanded since its initial TV premiere in 2010.
The fanbase is huge and this is evident from the forum that is also accesable from the website. With this you have to have an account with the website to join in the conversation, giving you exclusive access to certain areas of the site.

As there is no official rating of the site itself. I give it a 9.5 out of 10. It needs some tweaking on the navigation side of things and also the compatibility with various laptops/computers.
Here are a few video links that I intend to put on the presentation:

The Walking Dead Video Game Trailer

The Walking Dead TV Show First Trailer

The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Trailer

The Talking Dead TV Show

The Walking Dead First Ever Webisode

Speak Soon!

Saturday 15 December 2012

Finished for Christmas!!

I am really glad to be finished for the holidays now. A lot of hard work has gone in to this semester and I am looking forward to family time and me time! It has been a busy few months, with the TV studio, Beyond The Camera project, Student Union work, Essays and other bits and bobs. So its time for us all to relax for a bit, before it all starts again!

Speak Soon!

Friday 14 December 2012

TV Studio Production - The Screening!

So finally today we got to see everyones final products! This was an exciting and relieving moment for everyone in the class; I was looking forward to seeing what everyones hard work had created.
We watched the shows in order of our show numbers, and were there all morning. This lecture was really to celebrate everyones work and just have a laugh; we also got mince pies!

Well I suppose its time for me to post our TV show for you all to see. I am really proud of the end product, we worked so hard to get to this point and I hope you all like it.

Massive credit goes out to:
House of Scouse

TJ and Murphy
Ian and Kelly, our technicians
Rio Grant, our presenter
And, of course, the rest of my group :)

Speak Soon!

Thursday 13 December 2012

Applied Media Research - Focus Group

In this lecture we decided this would be a good time to conduct a focus group. We had a lot of planning behind this because we wanted to film the whole thing; which we did!
Basically, we wanted 3 boys and 3 girls to participate in the focus group so that we could look at differences in gender. We got them to use 3 websites and search all of the online content possible on those sites. The sites were The Walking Dead, Doctor Who and Breaking Bad; the three main shows that we are researching for the presentation. The idea was to get them to just experience what these TV shows sites had to offer; they had 5 minutes on each site to do so. Here is a diagram of the set up we had:
Throughout the focus group I made notes on what each participant was doing to see what they were interested in most. I also made a note of what order they used each website:
During the whole focus group, I took photographs of the participants so that we would have evidence of the focus group incase we didn't end up making anything with the footage. Here are some photographs:
 After they had participated in all 3 activites, we ask them some questions to see what they liked, disliked and what they gained from using these three websites. Here are the questions we asked each participant:

  1. Which online experience did you prefer out of the three?
  2. Do you think the online experience makes you more involved in the show?
  3. Do you like having the option to watch extra content online?
  4. What online content did you enjoy the most?
  5. Do you generally use online content for the shows that you watch?
  6. Rate all three online experiences out of ten.
  7. What do you think you gained from the whole experience?
We chose a variety of questions to do with the focus group and some general questions to see what males and females think of online content and multiplatform media.

My Reflection
From the focus group we were aiming to gain knowledge of the differences between male and female participants in their habits with multiplatform media. From this focus group I think we have done just that, we gave each participant the questions to answer and they all answered them with truthful, thought out answers. We gave them the chance to add more comment at the end but none of them chose to. I don't think it was a boring focus group, because each participant seemed to enjoy looking through the various online content that was given. I really hope that we can make a film with the footage we collected because this would be a unique thing to have in our presentation. One thing that we could have done to improve the experience was to have better laptops or MacBooks because the old laptops unfortunately made some of the content slow. We should have also made better signs for the laptops so the cameras could see the names of the shows clearer.

You Learn Something New Everyday
Focus groups are a great way to collect research because they are more personal and qualititative than just handing out questionnaires. We were able to witness the process of thought and navigation whilst the participants used the media they were given. I would definitely use focus groups again!

Speak Soon!

Wednesday 12 December 2012

TV Studio Production - Submission!

Today we submitted our TV shows on DVD. This was a big moment for everyone because for the past 3 months we have been working really hard towards this deadline. Our group decided that we would get everything ready for yesterday so that we could get some feedback and edit again today before the deadline. So we presented our show to Michelle, and she went through it and gave us a list of things we could tweak to make the final product reallt fine tuned. We went through the list and changed everything that she suggested, however one thing we couldn't change. A line that one of the guests says is historically incorrect and we wanted to just cut it out; but this wasn't possible due to where the sentence was in the sequence. So we made every change we could except for this one line, and I think we have done really well with the editing overall. I am happy with the end product but of course I will critically analyse the whole assignment in the report that is due in January. Lets see how it goes!
Speak Soon!

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Mumford and Sons

Last night I went  to see one of my favourite bands, Mumford and Sons, in the MEN. They were amazing so I thought I would share a few photographs!

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Monday 10 December 2012

Beyond The Camera - Submission!

Today we submitted our Beyond The Camera assignment which was the soundscape. Unfortunately I don't have a copy of it right now to post on here to show you but I will just talk a bit about our final product.

What we ended up doing was creating a sequence of various footage we collect from around Liverpool in Adobe Premier. We then moved it in to After Effects to add in the still images and sounds. With the still images and also some of the video footage; we added some rostrum camera techniques using the available tools on After Effects. We wanted to add rostrum camera to the sequence to make the still images more exciting and to also use perspective and movement. With the sound we added, we layered it so that throughout the sequence there was a constant background layer and also sounds relating to image on screen.

As I have mentioned, we wanted it to be a day in Liverpool from early morning to late at night. I am happy with the final product because I do think it shows the journey that we were intending to go. However, we needed more nighttime footage of photographs because this is where the story lacked. We did have footage that we collected from a local comedy night however there wasn't much to use and we didn't put it in in the end as we didn't think it was suitable. 

I know now that we should have gone out in the nighttime and collected more still photography and moving footage of people going out in to town and we should have tried to get in to at least one club to film people dancing and drinking. For future reference I will use this project to show myself that I need to plan location shooting more.

On the other hand, I know that we were one of the only groups to actually source everything that we used ourselves, even down to the sounds we recorded. So I am proud that we made an effort for the project to be originally ours and not copies of other peoples footage, photographs and sound effects.

I will hopefully upload this assigment soon so you can see the finished product!

Speak Soon!

Friday 7 December 2012

TV Studio Production - Shooting The Music

Today was my groups turn to shoot TJ and Murphy for our TV show. We chose the song 'In A Heartbeat' because we thought the lyrics related to what our show was about; rising stars and new beginnings.

When we entered the studio TJ and Murphy were really nice and cooperative with what we wanted to do. We set up the cameras and began to have a few practice shoots before the actual recording. We had a few complicated shots where the camera would zoom in and out whilst live and so we had to practice these a few times. A steady hand and concentration is needed for shots like this and I think we each worked well on the cameras. We also had a crabbing shot which I had to do on camera 3. This was near the end so throughout the shoots alls I could think about was this shot! I had never done something like this before so it took a few goes to get it right; I even had Alex at hand to help me move the camera around the guys whilst they were performing.

I liked that we took risks today and it payed off because we got some pretty nice shots of the guys. The only thing that I wanted to do was dress the set again like the set we had for the interview and the demo; I wanted it to be all white again. However this wasn't possible because all groups had to have the same set for TJ and Murphy. But its okay because the lighting was really nice and it suited to mood that TJ and Murphy give off which is a relaxed and emotional feel.

After shooting the music we took the footage straight to the edit suite to capture it all. We done this so we would have less to do next Tuesday and Wednesday. All of the footage is there and we now just need to edit the music on to the end of the interview and demo piece. Sorted!

Speak Soon!

Thursday 6 December 2012

CV Workshop

As a course rep we raise the issues to the head of department about what people want, what people like and what people think could be improved. Lately, a lot of people have been asking about how to write CV's and so this is an issue we raised at the latest course rep meeting. Sarah, the head of department, then agreed to arrange a CV workshop for everyone who was interested. The whole class encouraged to go but only about 15 people turned up. However it was a very helpful session where we learned a lot of do's and don'ts of writing a CV. We all agreed that we have a CV that just talks about our general skills and retail jobs that we have had. But we all need a new CV to apply for work experience over the summer and any other media related jobs. Here are some tips and hints that I really liked:

  • All the relevant information should be on page 1 (work experience especially)
  • Anything media related should be on your CV that you have taken part in
  • Does not need a title - use your name!
  • A levels and GCSE's are not as important - include relevant and good grades
  • Make sure you offer referee's - lecturers and previous managers
  • 2 pages at most
  • Spelling and grammar is important
  • Size 12 font and no fancy font styles
  • When printing use good quality A4 paper
  • Always enclose a cover letter
  • Single sided print out that is stapled
Throughout the workshop we were encouraged to ask questions about anything we have had trouble with and this was helpful because I was able to ask about what can be cut out in terms of what is and isn't relevant. I learned a lot about layout and style from examples that we were given as well.

So this evening when I got home I decided to write a new CV, seeing as I was in the frame of mind to do so. Here is my new CV to send out for future media related job applications!

My Reflection
I found the CV workshop very benefitial and I will definitely get in touch with Liz, the woman what was kind enough to come in, if I need any more help with my CV and cover letter. I think from this workshop I was able to create a really solid CV; because beforehand I really didn't have a clue where to start.

You Learn Something New Everyday
Simply how to write a CV!

Speak Soon!

Wednesday 5 December 2012

My New Tattoo!

I got my long awaited tattoo today of my late Nanny Ivy. I really wanted a fitting tribute to my lovely Nan and so I got a portrait of her on my left thigh. Here are some photographs :)
Speak Soon!

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Christmas Time In Liverpool

I've been out and about taking some photographs because I haven't done much in a while; the Liverpool markets are a great place to take photographs and Liverpool One is decorated lovely leading up to Christmas. Here are a few snaps from today :)

Speak Soon!

TV Studio Editing

We had a free day today so we decided to come in and edit the footage that we have so far for the TV show. We currently have the interview and the demo and we will be shooting the music on Friday so we can add that then!

With the TV studio, because everything is edited live, this makes the post-production process a lot easier. We had to capture all the footage, make sure all the interview and demo footage ran smoothly, make some small changes and then it was on to the additional content.

Whilst Kirsty was working on adding in the Twitter and Facebook feed that will appear at the bottom of the screen throughout the show, I began to work on the title sequence that I was making in Adobe After Effects. I wanted to make something that really suited the show; something modern and bright. Here is the title sequence that I created using motion typography:

It is on here as a ScreenR file because I wasn't sure how to embed an After Effects file. But anyway, I intend to add so music on this too; probably Dubstep because this a modern music movement that will appeal to the younger audiences.

Today we also created the ending credits and saved them so we can add them on at the end when the whole sequence is finished and includes the music item. I followed the BBC guidelines on their website of how to layout ending credits so hopefully they are correct and we have credited everyone we need to.

Ian also brought in the footage that he has shot for the extended opening titles which will run over the presenters voice speaking about Liverpool. He edited the sequence together today so that we could fit it in to the timeline.

Everything is going really well so far and I think that we are on target for finishing on time! I am excited to see the final result and I can't wait to post it on here!

Speak Soon!

Friday 23 November 2012

Photography - Prince Ruperts Tower

My aunty in America asked me to take some photographs of the Everton tower for my uncles Birthday and of course I was only happy to do so. My dad is a big Evertonian and so he was happy to take me up there and I spent a while just taking photographs of the tower from various angles. Luckily the weather was nice and so the pictures turned out pretty good, except for the shadows from the building around the area. I hope my uncle likes them anyway!
Speak Soon!

Wednesday 7 November 2012


They had real life penguins on the ice skating rink at Liverpool One today! So adorable I had to go and see them and take some pictures!

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Rolls Royce Photography

A new Harvey Nichols has opened in Liverpool today and I was lucky enough to be in town with my camera because they had a beautiful authentic Rolls Royce parked outside the store. Here are a few photographs that I took of it.
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