Monday 10 December 2012

Beyond The Camera - Submission!

Today we submitted our Beyond The Camera assignment which was the soundscape. Unfortunately I don't have a copy of it right now to post on here to show you but I will just talk a bit about our final product.

What we ended up doing was creating a sequence of various footage we collect from around Liverpool in Adobe Premier. We then moved it in to After Effects to add in the still images and sounds. With the still images and also some of the video footage; we added some rostrum camera techniques using the available tools on After Effects. We wanted to add rostrum camera to the sequence to make the still images more exciting and to also use perspective and movement. With the sound we added, we layered it so that throughout the sequence there was a constant background layer and also sounds relating to image on screen.

As I have mentioned, we wanted it to be a day in Liverpool from early morning to late at night. I am happy with the final product because I do think it shows the journey that we were intending to go. However, we needed more nighttime footage of photographs because this is where the story lacked. We did have footage that we collected from a local comedy night however there wasn't much to use and we didn't put it in in the end as we didn't think it was suitable. 

I know now that we should have gone out in the nighttime and collected more still photography and moving footage of people going out in to town and we should have tried to get in to at least one club to film people dancing and drinking. For future reference I will use this project to show myself that I need to plan location shooting more.

On the other hand, I know that we were one of the only groups to actually source everything that we used ourselves, even down to the sounds we recorded. So I am proud that we made an effort for the project to be originally ours and not copies of other peoples footage, photographs and sound effects.

I will hopefully upload this assigment soon so you can see the finished product!

Speak Soon!

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