Thursday 6 December 2012

CV Workshop

As a course rep we raise the issues to the head of department about what people want, what people like and what people think could be improved. Lately, a lot of people have been asking about how to write CV's and so this is an issue we raised at the latest course rep meeting. Sarah, the head of department, then agreed to arrange a CV workshop for everyone who was interested. The whole class encouraged to go but only about 15 people turned up. However it was a very helpful session where we learned a lot of do's and don'ts of writing a CV. We all agreed that we have a CV that just talks about our general skills and retail jobs that we have had. But we all need a new CV to apply for work experience over the summer and any other media related jobs. Here are some tips and hints that I really liked:

  • All the relevant information should be on page 1 (work experience especially)
  • Anything media related should be on your CV that you have taken part in
  • Does not need a title - use your name!
  • A levels and GCSE's are not as important - include relevant and good grades
  • Make sure you offer referee's - lecturers and previous managers
  • 2 pages at most
  • Spelling and grammar is important
  • Size 12 font and no fancy font styles
  • When printing use good quality A4 paper
  • Always enclose a cover letter
  • Single sided print out that is stapled
Throughout the workshop we were encouraged to ask questions about anything we have had trouble with and this was helpful because I was able to ask about what can be cut out in terms of what is and isn't relevant. I learned a lot about layout and style from examples that we were given as well.

So this evening when I got home I decided to write a new CV, seeing as I was in the frame of mind to do so. Here is my new CV to send out for future media related job applications!

My Reflection
I found the CV workshop very benefitial and I will definitely get in touch with Liz, the woman what was kind enough to come in, if I need any more help with my CV and cover letter. I think from this workshop I was able to create a really solid CV; because beforehand I really didn't have a clue where to start.

You Learn Something New Everyday
Simply how to write a CV!

Speak Soon!

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