Friday 7 December 2012

TV Studio Production - Shooting The Music

Today was my groups turn to shoot TJ and Murphy for our TV show. We chose the song 'In A Heartbeat' because we thought the lyrics related to what our show was about; rising stars and new beginnings.

When we entered the studio TJ and Murphy were really nice and cooperative with what we wanted to do. We set up the cameras and began to have a few practice shoots before the actual recording. We had a few complicated shots where the camera would zoom in and out whilst live and so we had to practice these a few times. A steady hand and concentration is needed for shots like this and I think we each worked well on the cameras. We also had a crabbing shot which I had to do on camera 3. This was near the end so throughout the shoots alls I could think about was this shot! I had never done something like this before so it took a few goes to get it right; I even had Alex at hand to help me move the camera around the guys whilst they were performing.

I liked that we took risks today and it payed off because we got some pretty nice shots of the guys. The only thing that I wanted to do was dress the set again like the set we had for the interview and the demo; I wanted it to be all white again. However this wasn't possible because all groups had to have the same set for TJ and Murphy. But its okay because the lighting was really nice and it suited to mood that TJ and Murphy give off which is a relaxed and emotional feel.

After shooting the music we took the footage straight to the edit suite to capture it all. We done this so we would have less to do next Tuesday and Wednesday. All of the footage is there and we now just need to edit the music on to the end of the interview and demo piece. Sorted!

Speak Soon!

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