Friday 14 December 2012

TV Studio Production - The Screening!

So finally today we got to see everyones final products! This was an exciting and relieving moment for everyone in the class; I was looking forward to seeing what everyones hard work had created.
We watched the shows in order of our show numbers, and were there all morning. This lecture was really to celebrate everyones work and just have a laugh; we also got mince pies!

Well I suppose its time for me to post our TV show for you all to see. I am really proud of the end product, we worked so hard to get to this point and I hope you all like it.

Massive credit goes out to:
House of Scouse

TJ and Murphy
Ian and Kelly, our technicians
Rio Grant, our presenter
And, of course, the rest of my group :)

Speak Soon!

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