Thursday 7 February 2013

Convergence Media Teamwork - Starting Work

Today was the day we started working on our assigment in this module. I am happy with my group because both of my teammates work hard so I think we can really do well with this project.

We decided as a group to create a campaign instead of a story because this was just a preference we all shared. We wanted to start with researching in to transmedia acvitism that has happened in the past to see what works and what doesn't. With this information we started to develop ideas of what we wanted to do.

The subject that we are going to tackle is animal cruetly; we began with a spider diagram to just map out all of the ideas that we had, here is a photo:
From this exercise we realised the amount of work that needed to be started so we began dividing the work up evenly. We also decided that we need to experience for ourselves places such as the RSPCA and Dogs Trusts, so we planned a visit to both locations locally next week. This will allow all 3 of us to see what happens to dogs after they are abandoned or abused. This will be the positive side to animal cruelty; after the incidence occurs. We are not sure yet where we want to go with the campaign, until we see the locations I think it is best to leave this open.

We are going to visit RSPCA Halewood and Dogs Trust Huyton, both close locations, luckily Josie has a car so we can drive there no problem. We intend to get evidence of the trip with photographs, video and also leaflets from the sites. Until then we are all going to go away and find out more about animal cruelty and transmedia activism.

My Reflection
Today was a productive day because we began to realise the journey we want to take with this assignment. Having a solid, hardworking group really helps when working in teams, I know we will all work as a unit to get the presentation done and everything leading up to it should run smoothly. I think choosing this subject has helped as well because we are all animal lovers and so we feel passionately about the cause. This might give that edge we need to really make a great campaign on multiple platforms.

You Learn Something New Everyday
Campaigns take a lot of planning and work! It seems both transmedia activism and transmedia stroytelling are equally as hard as each other!

Speak Soon!

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