Monday 11 February 2013

FACT Internship

I was delighted to hear that the FACT cinema in Liverpool City Centre were looking for interns to work in the next couple of months. So of course I was going to go to a chat from one of the digital content producers there; Carl Davies.

The idea of the chat was to tell people what the internship would entail, how to apply and also their preferences when looking for employees. I really love going to FACT and I do so regularly, in fact I am going tonight to see Clerks! But anyway, if I could get a job there that would be great because I know I will defintely like what they do. I have previously looked at FACT for jobs but as of yet haven't found any. It is great that LJMU has such connections because these sorts of internships are not always on the website!

The title of the job would be service production internship and if I got the job I would be classed as a digital content producer like Carl. The work would be 4 months of working 1 day a week for 8 hours. This could increase depending on the events that are happening at the FACT. I think that this sounds like a very good opportunity for me to apply for. The only problem is that Carl mentioned that they prefer to us Final Cut Pro and I can't say that I am familiar with this software at all as we don't use it in univeristy. However they would provide training if it was needed in the software and also on DSLR cameras and Z1 cameras. Luckily, I have experience with both types of camea so I am still in the runnings!
FACT work with many people around the country and so the networking opportunities would be invaluable. For instance, if I was to get the internship, the first job I would be doing is filming a Q&A session with Ken Loach. Amazing! So thats that. I am defintely applying for this internship, and even if I don't get in, I will keep looking for chances like this because they are second to none!

Speak Soon!

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