Monday 4 February 2013

Digital Media Cultures - Readings

To start with the research for the next assignment I got a couple of books out from the library to take a look at in relation to globalisation and social networking.

The first book I decided to look at was Tales From Facebook by Daniel Miller but particularly chapter 2, Community. I decided to make notes on everything that was important and useful from this chaper. Here are a few images of my notes and the book itself.

The second book I decided to look at was Digital Cultures: Understanding New Media by Glen Creeber and Royston Martin. In this book I looked at chapter 7 in particular - Case Study: Social Networking. Again, here are a few images of my notes and the book itself.

I found analysing both of these texts very useful as I was able to come out with some significant ideas related to the subject we have chosen. Doing social networking as a subject is interesting because we all use it so much in everyday life that it makes you blind to some of the globalisation aspects of Facebook and such. I think we will be successful in this assigment because we have a solid team and I am happy to work with them as I cannot see any difficulties arising.

Speak Soon!
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