Thursday 31 January 2013

Digital Media Cultures - Development of the Assignment

Today our group had a catch up to work out what we are going to do for the assignment. Our topic is social media and so we wanted to narrow this down to just Facebook. In a normal dissertation we would talk about other sites, however because we only have 1000 words in each pair to talk, we need to narrow our field.
We decided that we all need to find 2 references to use in the assignment, we need to read them, make notes on them, and then allow everyone else to read them before Monday. We wanted to have this done by Monday because we have a meeting at 10:15am to discuss the progress we have made so far.
We also wanted to have a question/hypothesis to present on Monday to see if we have chose a good direction go in. We came up with 'How does Facebook prove Marshall McLuhans theories of globalisation?'. We are not sure about this yet so with our finding from the research this could change over the weekend.

So, the subjects that I need to look up and find articles or chapters for are:

  • Globalisation
  • Marshall McLuhan
  • Facebook
  • Social networking
  • Focus groups that use social networks
  • Clay Shirky
So that is the progess so far, I will update on this when we have had the meeting on Monday to see where we stand with the articles and what ones we have chosen.

Speak Soon!

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