Wednesday 16 January 2013

Applied Media Research - The Presentation

Today we were working towards finishing off the presentation; we divided the task equally so that we all had the same amount to talk about during the presentation itself. My main tasks were these:

Big Brother and Question Time

  • Research
  • Find Image
  • Generalise research and bullet point
  • Add to Prezi
The Walking Dead
  • Research comic books, tv show, games, spin off shows, online
  • Find images and videos
  • Shorten research in to points
  • Find ratings of each aspect
  • Add all to Prezi
  • Collect all of the questionnaires in
  • Collate the results
  • Create graphs for each question
  • Add to Prezi
American Audiences and Shameless
  • Research both
  • Compare UK and US versions of Shameless
  • Shorten research in to points
  • Add to Prezi
As you can see we each had a lot of work to do. At the moment I am nearly finished with my parts of the presentation. Here are the graphs that I have made to represent the results of the questionnaire:

As you can see there isn't a graph for Question 6 but this is because the results are text based so we will have a few points about what people wrote on the questionnaire for this.

With the graphs I will talk about each one of them briefly during the presentation just so the results that we found can be translated. We got a lot of people to fill in questionnaires for this so the results are really good!

My Reflection
I believe that we are on target with the time that we have left and what we have done so far. We are working hard with this project because we all find the subject we have chosen interesting. I like doing research especially when its primary research that I have created and collected myself. I think that we will do well on this project, and if we don't I am still proud of all the work we have put in together. We now just need to write a script for the presentation so we don't trip each other up! Good job I don't get nervous :)

You Learn Something New Everyday
Sharing the workload when working in a group really helps make the process easier and faster.

Speak Soon!

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