Thursday 31 January 2013

Convergence Media Teamwork - Transmedia Activism

Today in Convergence Media Teamwork, we discussed transmedia activism and various examples of this in action. Transmedia activism is when a campaign about political or social change uses various platforms in the media such as social networking.
A prime example of this activism is the Barbie deforestation campaign by Greenpeace. Greenpeace attacked Mattel on many levels after the amount of deforestation the company causes due to their packaging choices was unearthed.
Here are a few aspects of Greenpeace's transmedia campaign:

Barbie hunt!

Ken is leaving Barbie!

I have made a note of Henry Jenkins because of his work in the convergence design area; and also Lina Strivastava because of her work on transmedia activism.

Embrace the following:

  • Multiple platforms each utilised for what it does best
  • Multiple entry points (story)
  • Opportunity for collective action rather than passive consumption
  • Each piece of content should be able to stand alone
Documentary filmmakers try to create a linear story wold to engage the audience - like a drama. Web and social networks have provided a new form of engagement for such shows.

There are many types of narrative, here are a few that we explored today:
Branching Narrative - This narrative just keeps expanding and many users have different experiences because they do not reach the other end of the branches.
Fish Bone Narrative - A narrative structure that is faily linear but with small extras but these can sometimes distract from the main story.

Concentric Narrative - This gives a level of freedom for the user to explore, the authors view may be blurred and users need to be motivated.

Why do we join virtual spaces?
  • To soialise
  • To work together
  • To have topical discussions
  • To share interests and ideas
Social Media

Encourages contribution and feedback.

Most are open to feedback, rare to find barriers for access to/making content.

Conversational 'two way' rather than 'broadcasting' to an audience.

Allows communities to form quicky and communicate effectively around interest.

Making use of links to sites, resources and people.

1 : 9 : 90 rule

90% consumers, 9% curators, 1% creators

After the presentation, we watched a video of Clay Shirky called 'how social media can make history'. Here is that video.

My Reflection
In this lecture I discovered various forms of activism and how social media can enhance the following of positive campaigns such as that of Greenpeace. However it can also fuel negativity such as the Kony 2012 campaign. Over all transmedia activism is a positive thing and can enhance the awareness of a cause from a small density to a worldwide knowledge in just minutes. I also found that Clay Shirky is a very interesting theorist when it comes to social media and he will be very useful for the other module Digital Media Cultures as we are currently working on an assignment about social media and globalisation.

You Learn Something New Everyday
Today I learned that using multimedia platforms to promote a cause, an event or even yourself can be the best way to get noticed fast; but you need to have something different to catch the audiences eyes or ears.

Speak Soon!

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