Thursday 24 January 2013

Presentation Day!

Today was the big day for Applied Media Research. It was the day of the presentation that Josie, Elicia and I had been working towards. We went it very confident and ready to just show everything that we had researched and made to answer the question we were given. Instead of me just talking about the presentation, here it is!

I am really proud of the final product and I know that we did a few things that other groups didn't. I hope it stood out from the rest so we may have a chance of getting a 1st! We really worked hard for this, the biggest thing I am proud of is the Focus Group film we made; we wanted to incorporate various media on the show and using a video that we actually made really adds to the efforts that we put in.

My Reflection
Of course I am writing a report on this presentation now and the work that led up to it, but I would just like to say that at the beginning of this project, I wasn't convinced that I would find it interesting or fun. But by the end I was really involved in the subjects that we were handing. I suppose it helped that we ended up using shows that we each individually liked, because if we would have just done the same as everyone else I don't think I could have got in to researching reality TV shows and game shows. Its just not what I'm in to!

You Learn Something New Everyday

It just goes to show that you can really have fun with your work, like we did. We dressed up as characters from the shows that we researched; so here is me as a zombie...

Speak Soon!

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