Friday 25 January 2013

Student Union Meeting

Today we had our first meeting about the new projects we are starting this year with the Student Union. Mark, Joe and I went to the SU excited because we couldn't wait to start the next lot of work. I have been glad to have some steady income whilst at university because every student knows that it is a struggle to pay for everything you need when living away from home. I am finding the work enjoyable and I am learning new things as we go along because Mark and Joe help me as I do them.

So this semester we have 2 main projects to focus on. The first is Advice Blogs that will be set up situations where an SU representative will speak about various issues and problem solving. We will first do 2 of these videos and then see how things go. I had a good idea of maybe doing the top 10 tips so that the videos will be easily digestible for the viewers. We all agreed that the videos should be no longer than 3 minutes, as to not bore the viewers and also we would just have the talking and no cheesy cutaways about the situations being spoke about.
The videos will be scripted so that the information is all correct and the most information is given; however the rep will be free to speak in any way they like as long as all the information is conveyed. We don't want them to look scripted and so giving the rep the chance to ad-lib will make it more relatable and genuine.
The second project that we are going to be doing is a video about all the things you can do as a student with the SU. The last film we made was about the sports and societies and this one will include that footage and more. We need to include things like forums, voluterring, hall reps, course reps, etc. This video sounded interesting to me and I think we will be able to get a lot of content for this as me and Joe are course reps ourselves. 
These videos will be mainly for the website so of course the audio is important; however they will also be put on screens around the SU and the university buildings, so we need to be able to subtitle them.
In the 'things to do' video we will talk to hall reps about their work, but we could also make a seperate hall reps video where we visit the halls and talk to the hall managers about the benefits of hall reps and their work.

This meeting was really productive and we know exactly what we need to do for these projects. We just need to get cracking with all the preperation, starting with a location for the advice blogs, I suggested our university building and so we need to go and find a suitably lit and coloured room. Anyway,

Speak Soon!

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