Thursday 10 January 2013

Applied Media Research - Group Meeting

Today we had a meeting with Sarah and the other groups that are doing the same question as we are. These meetings are to see where we are and how we are progressing with the research and development of the presentation. Sarah went round each group and asked where we were up to concering the assignment. Doing this gave everyone a chance to see what other people were doing to gather their research; we all dicussed our ideas and a few people even decided to use things to aid their research that others had suggested.
Here are the notes I made during the meeting:

Presentation is on the 24/1/13 for 15 minutes (each group will have a time slot)
This is 30% of the module grade

Report is due on the 8/1/13 and is 3000 words
This is 50% of the module grade

Blog is due 8/3/13 and should include all lectures and research done for presentation
This is 20% of the module grade

What we have done so far:

  • Questionnaire has been sent out and we are waiting to collect all of the results
  • We are going to do graphs for the questionnaire results once collected
  • We are individually researching each show we have chosen
  • We will look at how each show uses social networking, online content, etc
What we will do:
  • Find which show is the most popular
  • Look at the differences in gender (focus group)
  • Look at the differences between American and British shows and audiences
  • Research in to other shows (reality tv and game shows)
  • Make a short film using the footage of the focus group we have done
My Reflection
I found this meeting very useful because we were able to share everything that we are doing for the project and we also recieved feedback that will help us develop our research further. We were also able to collect more ideas from other group and they did from us; sharing ideas allowed everyones goals to become clearer. I think that actually writing down what we have done so far and what we need to do gives us the chance to see where we are up to and what sort of time scale we have left to do everything in.
I believe that our work is going very well and I feel confident that our presentation will have enough content and will also answer the question that we have been given.

You Learn Something New Everyday
Collaborating ideas is a better way to get a project moving; working alone on something is far more time consuming than sharing ideas and thoughts.

Speak Soon!

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