Tuesday 15 January 2013


So last year there were a few conversations in lectures happening about Erasmus; a scheme that the university runs which allows students to travel to somewhere in Europe and do work experience. Well of course when I heard about it I was interested from the start; and began to look in to things.

Since the end of first year we didn't hear anything about it until now. And so something will actually be happening over this summer! I am very excited and really hope I get a place on the trip because we would be going to Malta for 3 months! This would be the best thing to come out of university. I love travelling and I would love to do work experience in the media industry and so this trip would kill two birds with one stone.

I will post again when I hear any more news on the trip, apparently the leader of Erasmus is coming in soon to have a chat with everyone who is interested.
Fingers crossed!

Speak Soon!


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