Thursday 17 January 2013

Applied Media Research - More Research

As I said in the previous post we had a lot to do individually so I cracked on with the research about Question Time and Big Brother. 

Question Time

  • Topical debate tv programme featuring politicians and other public figures
  • David Dimbleby has been the face of the show for nearly 15 years
  • A panel sit in front of a live audience. Debate, audience can ask questions
  • Viewers can send in comments via text message
  • The past 3 years they have used the Twittersphere allowing online debate
  • 2.7 million viewers on average (more intense debates create more viewers - Iraq war)
  • Can watch past episodes online (BBC iPlayer)
Big Brother

  • Reality game show franchise created by John de Mol (Endemol)
  • 12-16 contestants in a house for around 3 months
  • Final cash prize for the winner
  • A psychological science experiment about behaviours gone out of control
  • Celebrity versions
  • Heavily involved in the internet - live 24 hour feed
  • 291 people have won big brother worldwide
  • Big Brother app
  • Website - full off games, gossip and more
  • Social networking is a major factor - information, gossip, celebrities

Speak Soon!

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