Monday 4 February 2013

Digital Media Cultures - Meeting

Today we had a meeting with Keith as a group to discuss where we are up to and what articles we have chosen to use for the assignment. We needed to split in to 2 pairs for the task because there needs to be a literature review and a dissertation proposal. Josie and I decided that we would like to do the dissertation proposal because both of our dissertation writing skills need some work.

In the meeting Keith went through both aspects of the assigment in detail, explaining what we will need to include. Because the dissertation is small compared to a normal dissertation in university, there are some points that we need to follow and make sure we are definitely on point with. Here are some notes I made during the meeting:

  • All 5 articles need to be relevant and connected
  • Proof read - no simple errors because they are more noticable in a smaller text
  • Have a simple title as to not complicate the outcome
  • Use headings for the paragraphs to clearly seperate points being made
  • Introduction should be 150 words and should set the scene
  • There should be 3 main chapters for 3 major subject areas
  • Conclusion should contain predictions for the future of the subject
In general for essays we all follow the Harvard Referencing Guide, but it seems sometimes mistakes are made by everyone just because of the layout of the bibliography. Of course it should always be in alphabetical order but here is an example of what one reference should look like:

Author. (year) Title of Book. Place of Publish

We went through this so that we are all on the same page when it comes to referencing the two seperate works. We agreed that we will all write the bibliography together so that everyones is the same when we submit our work.

After this official meeting with Keith, we decided to go away and have a meeting of our own so that we can start laying out the work that needs to be done.
We came up with a title for the disseration proposal which is 'How has social networking aided in the development of globalisation?' simply enough I think. It illustrates both subjects we are tackling and how the two are related.
We then moved on to laying out the disseration proposal itself. We needed to try and work out what paragraphs will talk about what subject and so on. Here is a rough layout that we created:

  • Introduce social networking
  • Introduce globalisation
  • How social networking and globalisation link together (how social networking aids globalisation)
Chapter 1
  • Positives and negatives of Facebook
  • Privacy, identity, etc
Chapter 2
  • Self identity and representation
  • Self promotion and business
  • MySpace and music
Chapter 3 
  • Social media and globalisation
  • Why are they connected
  • How social networking IS globalisation
  • Answer question!!!
    Figure out after writing the rest
  • Marshall McLuhans theories
As you can see this is a very brief overview just to get us started on the process because we don't have much time at all! However I think that with our workload at the moment we will do fine with this assignment.

Speak Soon!

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