Thursday 20 September 2012

Applied Media Research

So this is another new module for us this year on MPS. In this module we are going to be answering industry set questions and research into how the media platforms are connecting and developing. Our assignment is to make an online presentation answering a question given by an external media company. Prezi and ScreenR is ideal for this assignment and we used these last year so I am familiar with the process of using them in conjunction with each other. Using qualitative and quantitative date and presenting it in an engaging manner. Taking the information and putting it in to an effective artifact using video, sound, text, etc combined.
In this module we also have to carry on with our blogs (which I am currently doing!). We also got the marks from last years blogs along with written feedback from the lecturer.
I got a 2.1 overall which personally I am disappointed with because I thought that I had done very well last year in keeping up with the blog and also adding my own style in to the blog about various outside activities such as my photography. However, in the feedback Sarah made valid points that I needed to reflect more on the lectures and assignments that I was blogging about. I am making it my aim this year to get a first for my blog and to do this I am going to start including a final part of each blog that is called 'My Reflection'. In this I will talk about what has happened and what I personally think and feel. I am also going to include another small segment called 'You Learn Something New Everyday' where I will state something new that I have learned on each blog. I think that these two section will help me show my development and also the reflection that I am doing to improve my grades and assignments. 
So lets put it in to practice shall we?

My Reflection
Well this new module seems daunting to me if I am honest because its seems like a lot of work on statistics which I personally don't have an interest in. Obviously I am going to try hard to get interested, but I have never been good with numbers so this is a bit scary. However, I can see why we are doing this module because we need to know the media world that we are entering. Because it is constantly changing, we need to constantly be chasing what is new and relevant. I wasn't too keen on today's lecture in particular because it was just lots and lots of written information that after a while I found myself not making notes anymore (which isn't like me at all really). In my opinion, I would rather do something that is more practical and interesting like the modules from last year such as Creativity and Concept; because at least then I could visualise what we were learning and why. I think this is because I am a kinesthetic learner. I prefer to DO things, rather than read or listen. I like a combination of the three but overall I feel as though I learn more when actually doing something.

You Learn Something New Everyday
Today one thing that I have learned is to not overestimate yourself and always strive for something better. You never know, this could be the difference in a career doing something you love, or just a career.

Speak soon!

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