Saturday 22 September 2012

Getting work!

An aim that I have made for myself this year is to be involved in more work experience opportunities and also other opportunities with the university. There are just so many but last year I think I was only putting about 70% in to finding these kinds of things.
So... Have I actually done/achieved anything yet?
Well yes I have thanks for asking!
I applied to work with the Looprevil student newspaper that is put to press by the Student Union. I quickly received an email that could potentially change my whole year! They said that I could start writing film reviews for them in the entertainment section and also I can send them any photography that I think would go in the paper or on the website. So I am very excited about this opportunity! Not only this, though, they asked me to write an article about the upcoming AVID media awards at the Screen School! So I now have some extra work to do that I am pleased as punch about if I am honest!
I even applied to be a camera operator at an upcoming event happening in the lecture theatre in the new building, so this could be another line on my CV soon enough!
I have also applied to be a Student Advocate by filling in the worlds longest forms online; but I am hoping this job will accept me also! Busy times ahead...

My Reflection
I have never written for a newspaper before so yes, I am a bit scared. But reading the newspaper did reassure me that not everyone is a fantastic journalism student and that I will fit right in. I have written film reviews in the past just for my own practice, but this is the real deal! So I need to get down to the Odeon and start watching the latest films and taking notes. Oh, and the Student Advocate job could be paid if I make the cut of 75 students; this would be amazing in my current financial situation so I will keep you all posted.

You Learn Something New Everyday
Put yourself out there, or you will never know what you are capable of!

Speak soon!

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