Friday 21 September 2012

TV Studio - Getting Started

In today's lecture we basically done a studio workshop with Trevor, Alex and the two technicians. I made a lot of notes but I don't want to bore you with those right know because they are just in short hand and silly little diagrams for me to remember how to use the equipment.
We started with the new TV studio cameras. Now these are much bigger than what I am used to working with and they also are ten times better! So as we got to know our way around the new cameras I felt more and more comfortable because they weren't as hard to use as I was expecting. I got really excited when we were doing this because I love to just dive right in and learn something new.
Once we had learned the basics of these cameras and had a few goes at moving them around and practicing various shots; we then got a chance to go in the 'box' which is essentially a control room for the TV studio. Ian, one of the technicians, basically spoke to us about what happens in there and what the various panels do. For example, there is a lighting, sound camera and over head camera panel. All look very complicated but I'm sure we will all get to know our way around soon enough.
After me making a lot of crazy notes (because my memory is awful!) we then got talking about the different roles that we are all going to be in our groups. My groups roles are as follows:

Me - Producer
Ian - Director
Jodie - Set Designer
Carlie - Presenter
Kirsty - Floor Manager

Obviously after reading about all of the roles, I decided to choose producer. I think this is because it sounds like it has the most organisation and coordination involved in it, and from last year I know that this is something that I am confident and capable doing.
We had a few uming and arghing but we got there in the end with everyone being assigned a role. We have all agreed to help each other as much as possible and so hopefully we will work well together!

After this part of the lecture/workshop, we moved on to our first mini assignment. I say mini, I just mean its smaller that the main project that we will be aiming towards. For the first assignment we need to create a short TV segment on how to make paper airplane's. This sounds a bit mad but I understand what they were talking about when giving us this task. They basically want us to make use of all the new skills that we are learning, especially the use of camera, to create this piece. I have started to research the history of paper airplane's and I have a few ideas about set to suggest to Jodie. This is going to be fun!

My Reflection
So today I think was one of the most enjoyable days so far. I love to do practical work because I really think this is the thing that I am best at. We were able to get our hands on the equipment and I like the fact that the lecturers and technicians were not afraid to let us take control. You can see why this studio is worth so much money because the equipment is superb. We really couldn't be luckier than we are this year, especially with all the time that we have to use the TV studio. I think I would struggle, however, with using the equipment in the box. So I have already emailed the technicians to see if would be okay to arrange workshops for the few of us who seem interested. I think doing this outside work would benefit me greatly.
I feel that this module is going to help me learn who I am and where I fit in in the media industry.

You Learn Something New Everyday
Today I learned so many new words to do with the TV studio and equipment the list would be too long and boring to type up! But I better get memorising so when Trevor tells me to put on my 'cans', I don't think hes talking about Coca Cola...

Speak soon!

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