Monday 24 September 2012

Digital Media Cultures - Media Convergence

In this lecture we focused mainly of the concepts of media convergence which discusses the developments and cross overs of new and old media types. Here are the main bulk of notes that I made during the lecture which I found informative and interesting.

  • The media is central to the mobilisation of the user
  • Is 'new media' even new? The internet, for example, is based on old media such as books, television and radio
  • In many ways media developments have democratised the music industry, Anyone can now make music through such things as apps. Everything is turning digital
  • An increased concentration of ownership through mergers, acquisitions, takeovers and joint ventures
  • The 1980's played a large part in the globalisation of the world
  • Horizontal integration is when one entity dominates that group of companies, vertical integration is when a company takes over the consumption, production and distribution
  • Sony are a prime example of vertical integration - they own more areas/levels of production than just simple technology
  • Throughout all of the trends and developments it has resulted in the emergence of a global media system
  • The national media is moving away from public service broadcast philosophy. Public service broadcasting is about making popular programs good and good programs popular
  • Media has become central to today's society
  • 'Marketization of media' (Hesmondhalgh)
  • Polarized debates of the new mediasphere - often debates about shits in media cultures are polemic
  • 'Utopia vs. Dystopia'
  • DFF - Digital Fiction Factory 
  • Nine Lives Media
This lecture was once again intense because most of the information was new to me. However, I like that we are learning a lot about media in the culture of today. This is such an important factor in why and how things are created; the multiple views of utopian and dystopian theory will make good content for my assignment when we receive of questions.

My Reflection
It is taking a lot of effort for me to wrap my head around all this information if I am honest. But the reading's that we are given to do before each lecture do help me a lot. I try my best to get involved in answering questions in this lecture because I want to know if what I am thinking is correct. I even like that sometimes I am wrong because them we can ask what is the correct answer and then further explanation really helps my understanding. I like that we get a lot of examples of what the theories we are looking at mean and where they are applicable. For instance in this lecture we watched short videos showing the development of DJ equipment (our lecturers favourite example). I am hoping all of this information will start becoming easier as I develop my understanding of the terms used.

You Learn Something New Everyday
Today I learned that sometimes it is just best to listen rather than make notes. It allows me to understand and grasp theories better. Rather than just writing down a definition, I know what the meaning of that definition is through listening and questioning.

Speak Soon!

1 comment:

  1. 'Everything is turning digital' - very true. I think it's definitely one of the most exciting parts of the industry in current times in that everyone can have access to production and distribution tools through argos and the internet.

    Enjoyed the post, you should do more like this so I can get a free course in media ;)
