Wednesday 26 September 2012

AVID Awards Ceremony

This evening I attended the AVID Award Ceremony in the new building. The awards were for the films that Media Professional Studies (me), Film Studies and Broadcast created last year. AVID the company funded the event allowing awards to be given out to the winners. 
We were able to watch all of the winning films and also got to hear from graduates; giving us an insight in to what we can achieve beyond university.
I was nominated for the 'Best People On The Move' film, which I am very proud of. Unfortunately I didn't win, but two of my friends groups won other awards. Joe Costin and Becca Fadden won separate awards and I am very proud of both of these guys! Here they are:
The whole ceremony was worth attending because we got to celebrate each others achievements. Of course I would have loved to win, but I can still say that I have been nominated which is a very positive thing for my film making future!

Speak Soon!

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