Thursday 23 February 2012

Creativity and Concept - What's it all about?

So me and another classmate expressed concerns last week that we don't know exactly were this module is taking us. I couldn't find the relevance and I was struggling to see what benefits I was reaping from creativity and concept.
Kindly, the lecturers decided to have this week to talk about what we think and what it is all about. They described how we need creativity in our work because employers find this more valuable than filming/editing skills. We went through an application form for the BBC and the questions were mostly asking about how creative you are as an individual. This now makes more sense to me because some of things we have been doing have not been media related at all.
I now know that I need to start applying the thinking techniques that we have looked at before Christmas to the work that I am doing now. This will allow my ideas and thoughts to be more creative and this was I will generate more of them. I think the reason that I don't use the techniques already is because I comfortable using the normal divergent thinking that I am used to.

We moved on to talking about the current assignment that we are doing. It is the museum assignment were we have to come up with an exhibit in the new Liverpool museum using the user group that we have chosen. My groups user group is film enthusiasts. Here is the idea that I have came up with so far (I had to present it alone because nobody else was in).

Film Enthusiasts
3 rooms with films/cameras/lectures in them
It will be a walk through exhibition where in each section a different genre of era is portrayed
We may choose different aspects of the genres to focus on such as camera angles
we would use projections of various films on all four walls of the film rooms
Each visitor will have wireless headphones and will be able to choose what film they would like to listen to by choosing the channel on the headphones
In another room for each genre/era you will have the chance to play around with camera equipment and act in front of the camera, making a film using that genre/era.
Props/costumes/scripts will be provided for everyone to use and when you are done you will be able to download the short film that you make
Another section that we are going to have could be short lectures on the genre/era
This would be held in room 3, different lectures at certain intervals, this is optional
The lectures will be virtual, not a real person actually speaking

I think that this is a good bunch of ideas all mashed together so now I am going to apply a thinking technique to these ideas and see what clear idea I can come up with.
The lecturers gave us information on what they want from us for this assignment:

  • 15 minute presentation
  • Show all ideas and the processes you went through
  • Show maybe more than one complete idea
  • Pitch the actual idea for the museum (sell it)
  • Show any thinking techniques that were used
  • Make a piece/pieces of media to present the idea with
    • Advert
    • Posters
    • Prezi
    • Video
    • Google Map
    • Website
I added to these notes specifically for my idea. I thought that we could get people up during the presentation and get them to take part in a short activity showing what the experience would be like for visitors to the museum. We could also make mini lectures showing what the video lectures would be like. I would also like to show how we narrowed the idea down through thinking techniques. 
I found this lesson very informative and I am glad that I finally said something because I really benefited from seeing what this module was all about, finally!

Speak soon!

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