Monday 6 February 2012

Production Practice - Editing 'It's Liverpool'

Finally we finished the 'It's Liverpool' film, phew! We edited the film and the final outcome was something that we all thought was really good! Hopefully we will get a good mark at the end of it all but it's personal preference so I don't know! I don't know what will happen with regards to the actual competition but i suppose we could enter, we have nothing to lose after all.
Again, using the Avid software for editing was not ideal because sometimes it just doesn't want to play along. Even when following instructions from websites/guides/technicians; it just acted up all the time! I cant wait to move on to Final Cut because I know that it will just be 10 times better.
Besides this, I like editing because I feel that each time we edit I learn a lot. I have never properly edited a film before (not using advanced software anyway!) so the whole thing is a really wonderful experience for me.
During this particular film, we looked more at sound; so when editing I tried to make the edit of the sound as good as possible, even though it was my first time doing so. I believe that the final edit is a good example of sound being used to enhance a piece of film.
Well I hope that the next film (Person Profile) will be as good as this one!

Speak soon!

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