Monday 20 February 2012

Person Profile - Final Editing Session

Editing the person profile piece was tough because we had to try and match up the visuals with the actually interview. I had to play around a lot and do some very detailed editing and cuts just to fit it all together. Something that we always seem to have is too many shots; of course its better to have more than less but its hard cutting out shots that we like. Because the film had to be maximum 3 minutes, we put everything we wanted in and then gradually cut it down. Matching the visuals and sound was hard but in the end it flowed really well. I do not really like Avid Editing Suite but of course we have to use it to make these films. The reason I don't like it is because I'm used to working with Adobe suites and this is essentially completely different. We only applied simple transition effects and tried our best to make everything run smooth, but it is hard when the program is so temperamental.
I think that the final edit is a really nice film, hopefully the lecturers think so too. Our subject was very interesting so I hope this is reflected in my grade. I will upload all three films that we have made as soon as I can, for some reason technology is not agreeing with me at the moment!

Speak soon!

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