Tuesday 7 February 2012

Person Profile Update

So for our profile piece we have decided to do the fireman from my dad's fire station. This seemed like the best option because we will be able to get some very interesting and unique shots at the fire station and of the fireman himself.
Basically, Mark is one of my dad's friends and he is a very good speaker. We liked the idea of him speaking about being a fireman and what it is like to have such a dangerous job. I think the reason that we didn't choose my dad is because he doesn't really have anything prominent outside of work that he is interested in. Mark, on the other hand, is very interested in his cycling and so this gives us an extra thread to talk about when interviewing him.
I created a few documents giving the details that I have came up with for the shoot; including a shot list, questions for the interview and also a letter asking for permission to film at the fire station.
We actually do have permission to film at the station now because I have spoke to the station officer and he has give the okay for us to film inside and outside as long as we don't get in the way.
I am excited for the piece and I think that we will get an interesting film at the end of it all!

Speak soon!

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