Friday 10 February 2012

How to write to a university standard

An extremely useful lecture we had today was all about writing essays at university. I think we can all admit that there are certain areas that we need help in when it comes to writing essays.
Here are my notes from the lecture:

Analytical/Critical Writing

Referencing Harvard Style:
A direct quote
A paraphrased quote
A quotation within a quotation
A line of argument
Even an idea

referencing in the text itself and then again in the bibliography. Text should link to the main reference and reference should be only what is explicitly used.
Using reading, research and knowledge of other peoples ideas will allow you to come to an idea and then you will be able to push an argument.

How to reference:
Text - 
(Author Year, P. #)
Name, Year, Comma, Page, Number
(Author Year, Online)

Web sources must have:

A publication name
A legitimate URL
Date of access

Only use academic sites and avoid Wikipedia and IMDB, also avoid using random blogs.
Allow others to review your work before handing it in.
Books and journals are always better than the internet.
1500 words (min 3 max 10 references)

Lecturers want analytical/critical style of writing and not opinionated. They want you to engage with the research. The writing should be more of an argument. Critically evaluating the evidence the theorist/writer has given. Comparing view points of various research, then discuss. Description is allowed to set the scene but avoid trivial knowledge such as personal information. Refer to films as though the reader has seen the film - not too much detail but just enough. Have notes about everything researched to refer to. Do not include anything irrelevant. Have a structure/plan to start off with. Always make notes as you read because nine times out of ten you will forget what you were supposed to remember.

We were also given a booklet with punctuation rules and the likes to refer to for the next time we are asked to write an essay. I appreciate this lecture a lot because I did need the help with things such as referencing and what to include. i think that this will aid me for the next time I have to write an essay for university.

Speak soon!

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