Thursday 23 February 2012


Got a few marks recently so I thought I would share them because I'm pretty proud of myself!
So for the essay that we had to write in Creativity and Concept about thinking techniques I miraculously got a 1st! Too happy about this result because I have always prided myself on good writing skills and the note taking seemed to pay off! Alongside this essay, we had to create a ScreenR presentation based on the role of reflection. I got a 2.1 on this presentation which I think is a fair mark. I don't think that I deserved a first because I do think that I could have put more effort in to this one. I think I was just scared of recording my thick scouse accent! Anyway, really happy with these results together, I worked pretty hard on these.
Here is my ScreenR presentation, it is in two parts:

Other results that we have received lately was the Google Maps presentation on a location based narrative. For this project me and my group all received 2.2's. I don't mind this result because we did sort of struggle to come up with an interesting story to tell. On the results it said that we didn't have an interesting enough narrative but we did use the Google Map tools effectively which is positive. The was only a small assignment to the result isn't low enough to bring any of my grades down.
Another result that we got this week was the location profile film that we made in Production Practice. Our group as a whole got a 2.1 which I am proud of. I think that we deserved this because there was some work needed to be done that we just didn't have time for. We also got the comment that we were in the top three best films in the class to I am a happy bunny!
I think that I am doing well in university looking at these results. I just need to be more confident with what I am doing an maybe use my time a bit more effectively. We still have a few more assignments to do so lets see how I get on!

Speak soon!

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