Sunday 8 January 2012

Catching up!

I suppose I should catch you all up on my Christmas/New Year adventures! Didn't blog at all over the Holiday period because I simply didn't have the time. But I am now back with a vengeance and I have things to show you!
I took sooooooooooo many photographs these past 2/3 weeks so I thought I would share the good ones with you. I'm finding using my new camera a lot easier now as time passes; i am learning a lot of new tricks and it is slowly becoming an extension of my own arm.
Here are some photographs that I have taken over the Holidays with captions - enjoy!
 A Californian Christmas
 The Regal Kitty
 Reindeer in Red
Baby Bauble
 Snowman Chess
 Down at the Duck Pond
 Peculiar Christmas Tree
 My Little Pony
 Lake Padarn and Llanberis, Wales
My Three Favourite People

Well that was a few photographs I took over the Holidays, hope you like them! I would appreciate feedback if anyone has any to give. I'm still learning with my photography so of course I hope they get better :)
It has been nice to catch up, I will be very sad and say that I have missed blogging. My nice little outlet is now back and I welcome you, happy 2012 people!

Speak soon!

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