Friday 20 January 2012

Ideas for the Profile piece

After 'It's Liverpool' is all finished, we have been asked to create a profile piece. We can choose anyone we like as long as they are a good speaker and has an interesting story to tell. It is hard because of course it is easier if it is someone that we know, but half of the group is not from Liverpool so of course they probably wont know many people outside of university.
I have came up with three ideas for the profile piece; they are three people I know from my local area in Liverpool. I think all three would be happy to take part so we have a choice really.
First, I asked my Dad if he knew anyone who would like to do such a thing because he is a fireman. I thought it would be interesting to interview a fire-fighter because they lead eventful lives and have a pressured job. The footage that we could collect would be nice because we would have access to the fire station and engines. We could even film the exercises that they do in the yard for training; for example the fire tower training where they use the BA to train their breathing.
Second, I have a local jewellery designer who happens to be my boyfriends sister. She owns her own business and has jewellery cabinets all across Liverpool in various shops and salons. This would be a good piece because I would have permission to film in her home and also follow her around to the shops where she sells her products. She has done interviews for the Echo and bloggers so I am sure she would be fine doing one for us students!
Third is a local actor who is up and coming and has made his name in films and programmes such as 'Nowhere Boy', 'Shameless' and 'Just Henry'. His name is Josh Bolt and he went to my secondary school, he is also a good friend of mine. He of course has done many interviews and so would not have a problem speaking. We could interview him somewhere like the FACT where his work has been shown. I think this would be a big profile to do and could also benefit Josh as an actor.

Just a few ideas for the profile piece anyway, hope my group likes the ideas!

Speak soon!
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