Sunday 29 January 2012

'It's Liverpool' again.

So for the past week my film group has been cramming a lot of filming in between lectures and everything else. It's been a bit hectic because of the weather and every other issues we seem to come across. We have managed to get everything filmed however for the 'It's Liverpool' project; we even got passers-by to be in the film. We made cards for people to hold up with phrases about Liverpool on them. For example, we had 'Its Music' and we got a guy with a cello who just happened to be walking past to hold it up.
For each card we decided to try and find people who were related to the words. We managed to film all of these in one afternoon which was very good going! Now that we have all of the correct footage that we want to use (and a hell of a lot extra!) we have been able to edit a full version of our idea. The only thing that we need to do now is pick music to go over the film; we do have atmospheric sounds already included but using music will give the film another layer.
I have every confidence that we will have a finished piece for the deadline! As per usual I have done all the paper work for the project to hand in as well. Hope we do as well as last time!

Speak soon!

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