Thursday 19 January 2012

Google Maps Location Based Narrative

In our second lesson on Google Maps we had to develop our location based narrative and put it on to the map. We did very well in this session, we completed everything that we wanted to put on to the map. We just now need to sort out what we are going to be doing next week when we actually need to present our location based narrative to the class.
We have put video content, images and text on to our map, however as a whole class there was a problem with adding sound bytes and so we were unable to do this aspect of media. However, in spite of this I think that our narrative is fairly strong and has a lot of detail surrounding the locations that we include. Here is the link to our location based narrative on Google Maps, take a look!

Location Based Narrative - Sefton Park and Beyond!

If the link isn't working, I have taken screen shots of the map itself to show you:
This is where the story begins; Sefton Park. We have images with each of the main locations.
The drunk then dreams of being in a park in Japan. 
He then takes himself to the most famous park in America.
We then are led to the park underneath the Eiffel Tower.
He then wakes up to find himself back in Sefton Park.
Throughout the narrative we have extra icons along the way that you can click on. First we have attached locations where he decides to eat when he is on his travels around the world.
The drunk visits a Japanese Restaurant when he is in Tokyo.
He then goes to the Boathouse in Central Park for a bite to eat.
Then he takes himself to a local French Restaurant near the Eiffel Tower.
We also thought that it would be fun to add icons in Liverpool where the drunk may visit after his adventurous dream. If he is going to get his act together he would visit these two places.
The Job Centre.
Alcoholics Anonymous.
Finally, we added video content for each location showing what it is like in these parks or even just something atmospheric so you can get a feel for the culture and surroundings.
I hope you enjoy our Google Maps location based narrative, based around Sefton Park!

Speak soon!

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