Monday 16 January 2012

Team Work!

In one of our lectures this week, we discussed in depth aspects of working in teams. Of course this is a big part of our course (Media Professional Studies), because it is rare for us to work alone. Making pieces of media usually requires great minds to think alike and so working as a team is something that we all have to do.
We spoke about what makes a good team:

  • Keeping goal in mind
  • Listening skills
  • Voicing opinions
  • Honesty about suggestions
  • Don't be passive
  • Good leadership
  • Delegating
  • Accepting criticisms
  • Trusting/supporting/being friendly
  • Relaxed atmosphere
  • Organisational skills
We were then asked to do an online questionnaire to see who we are when we are part of a team. The options were: Evaluator, Ideas person, Leader, Compromiser, Summariser, Recorder and Encourager. I got the highest mark in Recorder. I think that this is very true because every time I work in a team, I always take notes and I always like to have everything organised. For example, the new project we have just started called 'It's Liverpool', I have taken all of the notes that we have about the plan and also created any other relevant paper work such as a filming schedule.

We had to get in to teams that had people from various categories in them, this was to see if we would work better when there is more variety in the team. I think this is a good plan because it gets people to work with others who they have not worked with before. I found this exercise helpful because it allowed me to see what sort of team worker I am and also allowed me to see what other people in my class are like as well.

Speak soon!

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