Thursday 19 January 2012

Production Practice Camera Workshop

In this lesson we had a workshop taken by Trevor (Head of Department). We touched briefly on some camera techniques but the main part of the workshop was to allow us to get to grips with using sound when filming. The first project we did was visual only and we were allowed to add music or sound effects. Now we will be recording sound as we shoot to apply it to the visual.
We received booklets that are very detailed and helpful to have when at a shoot; they give you more of an understanding of the camera and also how to use the microphones to the best of their ability.
I found a lot of the information useful and pretty much all of it was new to me. I did like how the workshop was set out because they had a camera filming another camera and this image was on a large TV. This gave the whole class a clear view of what buttons were where and how to use them. I think that without this workshop I would find it very difficult to use the microphones and sound through the camera.
The most interesting thing that I learned is that when shooting a film, the sound guys like to get extra 'atmos' (which is basically the atmospheric sound surrounding the shoot). This enables to editors to have more layers of audio to work with and gives the films more depth. I definitely will be using this technique when we are filming our next projects because I want to try my hand at everything - not just strictly holding the camera and pressing record.
After the workshop we were sent off to have a play around with the equipment to get used to using it and see how everything works. This was a useful exercise because we could actually get our hands on the sound equipment rather than just watching someone else explain everything. I do like active learning more, especially on this course because it requires a lot of hands on practical work.
Hopefully everything that I have learned will sink in and I can use these skills on my next shoot!

Speak soon!

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