Monday 16 January 2012

Creativity and Concept - First Assignment of 2012

In the first Creativity and Concept lesson back we were introduced to the first assignment after Christmas. We have to create an exhibit, event or artifact for the new Liverpool Museum.
First of all we had to choose a user group out of a list that the lecturers provided. We have to pick numbers out of a hat to see who got the first pick (because the first picks would obviously be the better ones). We, unfortunately, were number nine so we had to pick one of our least favourite ones. I am not too dissapointed though because we got Film Enthusiasts which will allow our group to explore our chosen university subject in a different way.
Little funny anecdote; we had to choose a group names so that the lecturers would know who had which user group. Of course, because me and Ashleigh are obsessed with Harry Potter, we were naturally 'Gryffindor'. Anyway,

Speak soon!

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