Wednesday 13 November 2013

Board of Study Meeting

So we had the Board of Study meeting today and I raised some issues that people were asking about and wanted me to bring to the table. These meetings are always useful because 9 times out of 10 action is taken. We always try to be realistic with the comments we take to the meeting and always encourage the rest of the students to tell us absolutely everything; good and bad. Here are all the notes I posted back to the rest of the class about feedback we got and also events that are coming up:

We are going to have an end of year get together where we might showcase the Creative 
Media Practice projects so we can all see each other's and the 2nd years would be involved in this too.

There will be a final show at the end of the whole year so we can show our Production Projects; this will be a larger even where friends, family, etc can come and see all of our work.

Make sure you all attend the dissertation tutorials because it will be beneficial to get people planning and started if you haven't already.

You are always allowed to contact any of the tutors and make your own appointments for tutorials with them. They do put on tutorials as much as they can but everyone is welcome to make their own if they need help; don't be shy!

If tutorial times are given then please attend; plenty of people didn't go to the last ones and its really you who is losing out if you don't attend them!

From now on if any presentations are made; our year or 2nd year, they will be in front of the whole class because we think it will be better for peoples confidence and presentation abilities.

Last week when we were given the Creative Media Practice presentation times late, this was because they wanted to do it as late as possible so that people were prepared for whatever time or day was given. They didn't want people doing the work on the day of, or the day before (which we know loads of people did anyway). But the idea of them giving us times for things like that late is so that we are prepared well in advance regardless.

We all agreed that the first 2 weeks of term worked well and got everyone back in to the swing of things and it got us all started off on the projects ahead.

The faculty want to thank you all for engaging with the student feedback forms online last year because they really helped with the ratings that the department and course got.

Final 2 points - Paula Baines would like to remind you all to apply for the production unit jobs that she sends out on a daily basis. She gets plenty of people replying but its usually the same people (i.e. myself, Amy Palin-Tune and Mark Nugent) but she wants you all to have a go at some of the jobs she offers because its great for our CV's!

Lastly, we are having a day soon where everyone needs to come in to the TV studio to record a short video about their work experience over the summer. These 'vlogs' will go on the screen school website so that future students can see what we did and how good it was  Sarah will be emailing about this soon enough.

So I hope people have took in this information and I've said that if they have any other questions or anything to just come and ask me. Always happy to help because being a course rep allows me to know a lot about the course and everything that happens.

Speak Soon!

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