Wednesday 20 November 2013

Dissertation Meeting

Today I had a scheduled meeting about my dissertation development with my tutor Mark. I went in with some basic notes and also a list of books I am currently looking at. These are the books I have and also the books I need:

Animation: The Whole Story - Howard Beckerman
Disney Animation: The Illusion of Life - Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston

Art of Pixar: 25th Anniversary The Complete Colour Script - John Lasseter and Amid Amidi
The Pixar Touch: The Making of a Company - David A. Price
To Infinity and Beyond: The Story of Pixar - Karen Paik
The Films of Pixar Animation Studios - James Clarke
The Animation Bible: A Guide to Everything - Maureen Furniss
The Alchemy of Animation - Don Hahn

Myself and Mark discussed the direction that I will be going in from chapter to chapter and what I want to prove throughout the whole dissertation. We talked about various chapters such as:

  • Disneyfication impact on animation
  • Rise of Pixar
  • Technical developments and styles
  • Other companies
  • Specific film analysis
  • Different aspects of animation
  • Uncanny valley (animation that is 'too real')
I have now began a proper plan from this discussion and the meeting has really helped. We talked in depth about various for and against aspects of whether CGI or hand drawn animation and also that they might be on the same level.

We looked at an interesting angle that I had not yet thought about which was the underlying stories in the Disney films such as the references to War in Bambi. We also discussed Walt Disney himself and how animation and film was his love child and his passion but as he passed the company just because a money making machine; then Pixar brought the love back.

I am really interested in this subject area and I can't wait to get started if I am honest. This is something that I love to talk about and find so fascinating. The only thing I can hope is that I don't get too lost in it all and it ends up just being descriptive. I am going to steer far away from any historical accounts unless they are relevant to a point that I am making.

I will blog again about the plan that I am working on and my development,

Speak Soon!

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