Monday 18 November 2013

Production Project - Proposal Mark and Feedback

Today I received feedback for the production project proposal task and I very pleased with my result. I got 75 which is a solid 1st and I really worked hard on the proposal so it obviously has paid off. We all got an email with the mark and the feedback; here is my feedback:

Stevie Lennon - 75
This is an intriguing idea and reflects some thought, research and development of an idea – The story of what happens when the kitchen utensils come to life still needs developing / scripting in more detail
This will need to be carefully scripted – I would also recommend that you have a period of experimentation with techniques – so that you can get the aesthetics right before you begin – but also so that you can plan realistically – stop motion is extremely time consuming – I think you will find 8-10 minutes too ambitious – but experiment and see. This is an ambitious piece and getting the story and the aesthetics right at the outset is key – don’t be tempted to start until you’re ready.
You have produced a well considered schedule and risk analysis – (good idea to do this as a table – easy to read).
If you would like to discuss this feedback please email me to arrange a tutorial.

I had a great meeting with Ian about the project last week and so we hit on some of these points made in what I could improve on. I think that now I have done this proposal I am on the right track with where I want to go with this project. The proposal task really helped me think about the development process and what order I would like to do things in. You can see my proposal in one of my previous blogs!

Speak Soon!

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