Wednesday 13 November 2013

Production Project - Development Meeting

Today I had a meeting with Ian about my Final Production Project; I had a lot to talk about and some ideas that I hadn't yet discussed. We first took a look at this video that he suggested I watch because the animation style is what I am going for.

We discussed the use of sound in this video and how it really adds layers to the movements of the objects such as the sound of the kettle on the hob and the sound of it boiling. Sound is going to be paramount in my final project because I didn't focus on it much in my Creative Media piece. The animation will need ambient sound to give a solid layer throughout and the on top of that movement of objects and even music if it fits.

We came up with the idea that I might even create website to display my short animation rather than just having it on my YouTube channel. This will give it its own platform instead of being alongside all of my other work on my channel. I thought that because I want the animation to be set in the kitchen I could have the main page of the website like a house and you can enter different rooms and see other animations within those rooms of objects you would find.
I could introduce other story lines that might take the animation on to other episodes about other characters; this could happen as just a small teaser at the end of the episode.

We discussed making the actual animation but then making some short teasers maybe for the Vine App; just quick 6 seconds of episodes that may come in the future. These could be placed in the 'rooms' on the website to entice the audience to come back to see other work.

We spoke about possibly using Vine and other platforms to create a viral campaign to promote my animation; this would give the animation a broader audience and not just people who are interested in animation. I am also going to look at creating posters for the final year presentation to attract attention to my stand if we have them. I may add QR codes to these inspired by the Creative Media Practice work we did. There could link to the website and the Vines I make.

Before I start the project I need to realise what objects I am going to use and study their movement capabilities. I think I might do some test runs of the objects so that I can look at their movement and even let this influence the story line.

The most important thing that I have learned is that empathy with characters is everything. In my lamp animation Ian mentioned that he liked the smaller details like when the lamp stops and waits for his plug to catch up, like its his friend or pet. So I need to think about things like this to add to the layers of the story.

The basic set up for my work will be a solid 2 minutes short animation, followed by a couple of teasers and promos of around 6-10 seconds depending on the platform. Then there will be the website and posters with QR codes on them. Its all about the delivery and marketing of this film; my aim now is to attract a lot of attention to it and get people talking about it before my final showcase. I have never really used marketing for my work before so this will be a nice challenge to add to the production process.

I now need to research in to viral marketing, QR code usage, subliminal messaging and other creative ways to draw an audience in to my product. One idea that we had, although its pretty crazy, is to maybe leave some QR codes or adverts attached to objects that are used in the film in shops. I could just photograph these and log them on the website to show the audience how this campaign worked.

Finally we talked about lighting my whole project. This is a problem because of the dark days and early nights that we now have in winter so we decided that it would be best for me to use flat light with blue gels and diffusers so that the light was constant and 'normal' throughout. I am going to test the light in the room with a light meter over a couple of days just to measure what the level of light in the room is naturally with just our kitchen spot lights on.

Its a lot of work to be done but I wanted to challenge myself with this project and create something that nobody will be expecting and something that stands out. I am excited to get going!

Speak Soon!

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