Wednesday 6 November 2013

O2 Media Awards

I was lucky enough to be chosen to work at the O2 Media Awards 2013 in the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral. I put my name down to do either photography or filming and I was chosen to do photography. I got to shadow the actual photographer and he gave me some useful tips and really boosted my photography confidence. I was able to go places in the cathedral that you are not normally allowed to go as a member of the public to take photographs of the event.
We seen some famous news reporters and some minor celebrities from shows like Hollyoaks, Heartbeat and even Brookside (yes, Sinbad was there!).

I had an amazing evening, just being in the cathedral is always a lovely experience but the way O2 had dressed the space and had it lit was beautiful. Here are a bunch of my photographs that are going to be used on the screen school website and have also been sent to O2 themselves.
I hope to see my work somewhere on the internet soon! I really enjoyed this work experience and learned a lot from it. We all had fun, the other students enjoyed themselves as well but I think being the photographer allowed me to go explore and walk around instead of being stationary behind a camera. I will always apply for any work experience I can do because it just gives you so many connections and skills that you wouldn't have previously. Can't wait to do more things like this!

Speak Soon!

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